Friday, May 17, 2013

What to Do Throughout the Week Before a Prom/ Special Occasion

I know some girls are getting ready for prom or a special occasion and sorting everything out, but there are still some that are stuck and have no idea what to really do. So today I will talk about exactly what you should do the week leading up to prom or any formal night where you want to look your best! So let’s begin:
5 days to 1 week before:
Stop the acne. If your breakouts are red, then use eye drops on them to sooth the redness, it also helps with anti-inflammatory agents! Aldo, you can use any acne spot treatment now to kill the bacteria that is causing the acne.
5 days to 1 day before:
            Whiten your teeth! Take your time at whitening, your teeth are delicate and they need extra care, so don’t rush it!
            Nourish you hair. You should be using moraccan oil, deep repair/ moisturizing hair masks, or leave in conditions to make sure your hair will be in tip top shape, strength, and shine!
3 to 4 days before:
            Brighten and Improve your complexion. You can use any mask that either deep cleans or detoxifies your skin, even a peel off mask will work. For a DIY Brightening exfoliating scrub, take brown sugar and olive oil, mix it up and scrub it onto your face and lips in a circular motion. This removes dead skin cells and the olive oil will add softness and moisture.
            Bleach your mustache (or peach fuzz).
2 to 3 days before:
            Pluck or wax your eyebrows. You want to give your skin time to heel after plucking/ waxing so doing it 2 to 3 days before will ensure that you are still not red or irritated around the brows.
1 day before:
            Shave or wax your legs. This is the perfect time because your legs will still be smooth by the time of the event but it will also be healed.
            Fake tan/ spray tanning time. Exfoliate and shave/ wax first then apply it or get it done. If you get it done the day before, it will have enough time to develop and soak into the skin, making it last longer and making sure there are no more streaks.
Have a great day, and if you are going to prom or a special occasion, have a great time! I hope this helped you and come back for more fun!!
-          AM

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