Monday, March 18, 2013

Proper Heat Appliance Maintenance!!

Hey Lovelies!! I love to curl my hair and I always thought I was taking proper care of my curling iron, but until I read a post about Curling Iron Maintenance by I learned some new facts I think you should all know. So let’s begin…
·        Clean your curling iron with rubbing alcohol once a month. You do not want excess build up on your curling iron, this can cause dryness and even yellowing (for blondes) on your luscious tresses.
·        Never shampoo your curling iron, it will not help.
·        Never submerge your curling iron in water when hot, or when cool. This can cause rusting and break your curling iron.
·        If you’re in a hurry and you need to pack a hot curling iron (or any hair appliance) put it into a heat proof bag.
·        When done with your curling iron, DO NOT wrap it around the handle, doing so to many times can cause your curling iron to short out. Wrap the cord up and tie it up with a rubber band or hair tie.
Thanks! Come back for more fun! If you want your curling irons to last longer than just follow these quick tips!! Have a great Day!
-         AM

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