Sunday, January 13, 2013

Can Your Nails Do More then Look Good?!

I read a post on that wowed me and probably will be wowing you also! Have you recently given your nails a good look, and I mean fresh, bare, non polished nails. If you haven't, next time you take your polish off, you have too! Your nails can actually tell you how healthy you are!! I know that sounds really weird but it's true!! So...

If your nails are Peeling. It may mean your diet is lacking an important nutrient like linoleic acid. You need to increase the cooking oils you have in your diet like, vegetable oil, olive oil, or peanut oil.

If your nails are Yellow. Girlllll you need to callllmmmm down! Stop with the polish for a while! You need to let your nails breathe for a little, it is okay, just for a few days, I swear, they will restore!

If your nails are Brittle. Are you eating enough iron-rich foods in your diet, because I think you are not! Eat more lettuce or any leafy green vegetables and eggs! Also, drink ALOT of water every single day! To find out how much you need, take your body weight and divide it by 2! That is how much fl oz of water you need to consume every day. It may seem like a lot but don't you worry, when you get into the habit, it will be really easy! Or you could drink 8 glasses a day.

If your nails have Ridges. Every thing is alright, it is totally normal! You may be stressed, anxious, or just sleep deprived. Calm down, do some yoga, and get a good nights sleep and everything will be okay! No need for being stressed.

If your nails are Blue. Go to the doctor, you are not okay. You probably are not breathing right or are not getting enough circulation throughout your body.

Okay, well there you go! Nails can do so much more!! Thanks and come back for more fun!!

- AM

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