Monday, January 21, 2013

Say What: Lemon Water

I drink alot of water every day, and just drinking plain water gets boring, I have done my research and learned a great tip about lemons!! Not only do they add flavor to your boring water but they have amazing benefits also!!
1.      Lemons have a lot of Vitamin C, antioxidants, and Citric Acid which help boost your immune system, and increases collagen for smooth glowing skin!
2.      Lemons will actually reduce hunger and it is also amazing for detoxifying your body which will get all the toxins out and keeping all the good stuff in! Also it is great for digestion!
3.      Research has shown that it will actually keep you more alert, which is a plus for those Monday mornings in class where you’re just too tired to pay attention!
I like to put a lemon slice in my water every morning and just drink it while I get ready in the morning, which will keep me hydrated for the day! Fun fact: when you wake up you are actually dehydrated since over night you have not drank any fluids so drinking water right when you wake up will help, like I said, in hydration! Finally, water can also clear your skin, so say bye bye to breakouts!

Hope you drink a lot of lemon water today! Thanks and come back for more!

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