Saturday, December 1, 2012

Holiday Gift Guide!!

Hey!! Its the holiday season! Literally my favorite time of the year! Now is the time where I don't mind the cold! I think my favorite part about the holidays, is picking out presents! I have some tips for picking the best kinds of gifts for someone in mind!

1. Know what he or she likes: I love picking out gifts for people, but I hate when I pick it out and they never use/ wear it ever! Know what this person likes, example, color, favorite store, sport or activity etc. Know alot about them so that you can narrow your chooses down.

2. Ask questions: when I am looking for presents, I always like to ask questions. I know that my friend likes makeup so I wanted to know what she lacks in her collection, I would ask her "what is one thing that you lack in your makeup collection?" or "if you could have one beauty item this Christmas what would it be?" when they answer you can get a better view of what you want to get them.

3. Look at them: give a good look at the person you are buying a present for. What does he or she do on a regular basis? What does he or she use on a regular basis? Is there anything that could help he/she improve something. For example, maybe they go to the gym alot and they bring alot of stuff with them but have to carry it all in their hands, well you could get a gym bag for them, something affordable but helpful in their everyday basis.

4. If you want to buy them clothes, know their style and body figure: Take a good look at this person, are they pear shaped, curvy, slim, tall, petite? Do they have big hips or a big bust? See what they like most about their body, what they like the least? Look at what they wear on a regular day. You could research different clothing items that would improve their body figure, or something to hide their imperfections.

5. Choose something you know they will like, or something you love and think they will like!

6. You don't have to buy something, you can make something! I am pretty sure that every mom says "the best cards, are the homemade ones". Well, you can make them something, for example, a poem, a letter, a project saying what you like about them most. Come up with creative projects that will make their heart melt while reading!

I hope these tips help you! Just remember, don't get to worried about finding the perfect gift, I bet any gift you get this certain person will be amazing! Happy Holidays!

- AM

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